Brooks Hi Fi speakers Generating Element

The portion of the microphone that actually converts the movement of the diaphragm into electrical current or voltage changes.

1) An alternate tam meaning Range (a limit on the amount the signal is reduced when the input signal is low by an expander or gate).
2) A shortening of the term Noise Floor (the level of the noise).

Brooks HI FI projectors Front Loaded
A speaker cabinet where the speaker faces out toward the front.

Alternate name for Ping-Ponging (playing several tacks with sync playback through a console to mix them together and record them on an open track).

Brooks RM 909 reviews Condenser
An older term meaning the same thing as Capacitor (an electronic device which is composed of two plates separated by an insulator and can store charge) but sill in common use when referring to a microphone's active element.

Fletcher Munson Effect
A hearing limitation shown by Fletcher Munson Equal Loudness Contours (as music is lowered in volume, it is much more difficult to hear bass frequencies and somewhat harder to hear very high frequencies).

Electromagnetic Field
Magnetic energy put out because of current travelling through a conductor.

Bass Roll Off
An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing.


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