Brooks Hi Fi reviews Bit

The smallest unit of digital information representing a single "0" or 1.

Echo Send Control
A control to send the signal from the input module to the echo chamber or effects device via the echo buss.

Brooks RM 909 reviews Close Micing
A technique of placing a microphone close to the sound source (within one foot) in order to pick up mainly the direct sound and to avoid picking up leakage or ambience.

Hard Disk (Hard Disc)
A storage unit for digital data that has rigid disks coated with magnetic material in a housing that includes the drive mechanism.

Brooks RM 909 Bass Roll Off
An electrical network built into some microphones to reduce the amount of output at bass frequencies when close-micing.

High Impedance Mic
A microphone designed to be fed into an amplifier with input impedance greater than 20 k ohms.

The opposite of compression; for example, an expander may allow the signal to increase 2 dB every time the signal input increased by 1 dB.

1) A way of optimizing the efficiency of a speaker system by separately amplifying the High Frequency (HF) and Low Frequency (LF) portions of the sound signal and sending them down two pairs of cables to the speaker. Multipin Speakon connectors have been developed to do this.
2)The process of having of having low-frequency speakers and high-frequency speakers driven by separate amplifiers.


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