Brooks Hi Fi reviews Imaging

To make a representation or imitation of the original sonic event.

Low-Frequency Oscillator (an oscillator that puts out an AC signal between .1 Hz and 10Hz used for a control signal).

Brooks HI FI projectors Diaphragm
A thin flexible membrane or cone that vibrates in response to electrical signals to produce sound waves. Distortion is usually referred to in terms of total harmonic distortion (THD) which is the percentage of unwanted harmonics of the drive signal present with the wanted signal. Generally used to mean any unwanted change introduced by the device under question.

The action of deforming a waveform during overload.

Brooks RM 909 reviews Line Input
An input designed to take a line level signal.

Electromagnetic Field
Magnetic energy put out because of current travelling through a conductor.

Beats Per Minute BPM
The number of steady even pulses in music occurring in one minute and there fore defining the tempo of the song.

Compression Driver
The unit that feeds a sound pressure wave into the throat of a horn (in a horn loudspeaker).


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