Brooks Hi Fi speakers Hall Program

A setting of a digital delay/reverb effects unit that approximates concert halls. Hall programs are characterized by pre-delay of up to 25 ms.

1) A gradual reduction of the level of the audio signal.
2) A gradual change of level from one pre-set level to another.

Brooks RM 909 IC
Abbreviation of Integrated Circuit (A miniature circuit of many components that is in small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment).

Light Emitting Diode
A light that allows current to flow in one direction only and emits light whenever a voltage of a certain level or beyond is applied to it.

Brooks RM 909 reviews Channels
These are divided into two separate categories. Input channels are those channels coming into the soundboard such as microphones and direct lines. Output channels are those leaving the board such as monitor and main outputs.

Ground Loop
A double grounding of a line or electronic device at two different "ground" points of differing voltage.

Contact Microphone
A device that senses vibrations and puts out an audio signal proportional to the vibrations.

Full Step
A change in pitch that occurs when moving up or down two piano keys


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