Brooks RM 909 Face

The front or body of the guitar.

Short for the term Acoustical Absorption (quality of a surface or substance to take in, not reflect, a sound wave).

Brooks Hi Fi reviews Bass
1) The lower range of audio frequencies up to approximately 250 Hz.
2) Short for Bass Guitar.
3) Lower end of the musical scale. In acoustics, the range (below about 200 Hz) in which there are difficulties, principally in the reproduction of sound, due to the large wavelengths involved.
4) The lower frequencies.
5) On the soundboard this should refer to the bass guitar channel, not the bass drum.
6) The lowest frequencies of sound. Bi-Amplification uses an electronic crossover or line-level amplifiers for the high and low frequency loudspeaker drivers.

Electromagnetic Field
Magnetic energy put out because of current travelling through a conductor.

Brooks HI FI projectors Hybrid
A product created by the marriage of two different technologies. Meant here as the combination of a dynamic woofer with an electrostatic transducer.

A light that allows current to flow in one direction only and emits light whenever a voltage of a certain level or beyond is applied to it.

Alternating Current
Electric current which flows back and forth in a circuit.

The 60 Hz power line current accidentally induced or fed into electronic equipment.


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