Brooks Cinema QS - 95 Equipment Rack
A cabinet with rails (or free standing rails) that have holes to accept screws at standard spaces and used to house outboard gear. Ampere The unit of current, abbreviated Amp. Brooks Cinema Series Bi-Amplification 1) A way of optimizing the efficiency of a speaker system by separately amplifying the High Frequency (HF) and Low Frequency (LF) portions of the sound signal and sending them down two pairs of cables to the speaker. Multipin Speakon connectors have been developed to do this. 2)The process of having of having low-frequency speakers and high-frequency speakers driven by separate amplifiers. Intermodulation Distortion Distortion caused by one signal beating with another signal and producing frequencies that are both the sum and the difference of the original frequencies. Brooks Cinema Projectors Digital Recording 1) ADAM : (Akai Digital Audio Multitrack). 12 track recording onto Video 8 tape. 16 bit, 44.1 or 48 kHz sampling rate. 2) DAT (Digital Au...